Uplift K-12

Uplift K12 is a TechEd Whiteboard tool for K-12 students to interact with tutors and learn math through digital games and activities. Our project aims to enhance the experience by making it more appealing and engaging for both tutors and students.


UX/UI Designer


Jun - Mar 2023
(in development)

Project Goals

Following initial research, we divided into two separate sub-groups to address the two separate project goals. To solve the gamification task, I was part of a team of five. Each day, both teams met to discuss the design process and any difficulties we

Dividing into two teams

Following initial research, we divided into two separate sub-groups to address the two separate project goals. To solve the gamification task, I was part of a team of five. Each day, both teams met to discuss the design process and any difficulties we faced during our project.

Identifying Challenges

The intent to gamify the learning experience in the existing tutoring platform was present but not successfully implemented. As a result, both tutors and students faced a lackluster educational environment, lacking elements that make learning fun and engaging. This shortfall not only affected the overall teaching experience but also dampened student enthusiasm and participation.

Recognizing this gap, our objective was to transform the platform into a vibrant, gamified learning space.
and that led us to the central question we aimed to address: How can we successfully implement a gamified system to create a fun and effective teaching and learning experience for tutors and students?

Our Solution

We need to create a game-based learning experience with consistent gamification strategies for positive behavior, self-esteem, and a safe environment embracing student mistakes.

We conducted a heuristic evaluation of the Uplift K12 website to improve usability and identify design gaps, focusing on interface effectiveness and user experience for our prototype design.

What is the purpose of earning gems?

Not clear student reward system

Limited and non inclusive student avatars

Exploring the current platform

To gain a deeper understanding of the current state of education and the platforms used by educators, we conducted scripted interviews with five individuals who have a strong background in education. Out of the five interviewees, only one had prior experience using Uplift K12 as a teaching tool.

Research Process

Designing a more efficient onboarding experience for parents and caregivers joining PimsPoints. This includes providing relevant information at the outset, streamlining the process of inputting necessary user and child information, and guiding the process with clear, direct prompts.​

The Solution

Our solution for Sophia

After presenting our low-fidelity wireframes to our stakeholders, we gathered valuable feedback. Their insights allowed us to make necessary refinements, further enhancing our design and ensuring it aligns well with the project's objectives.

User Flow


Guided by our research, we initiated an Ideation Workshop as our first step. We brainstormed, exchanged feedback, and aligned on a common vision for our early sketches.

Let's Brainstorm!

Following our sketching phase, we transformed our ideas into low-fidelity wireframes. These wireframes provided us with an initial visual guide to the user interface, laying a solid foundation for subsequent stages of design.

Lo-fi Wireframes

Stakeholder Feedback

After presenting our low-fidelity wireframes to our stakeholders, we gathered valuable feedback. Their insights allowed us to make necessary refinements, further enhancing our design and ensuring it aligns well with the project's objectives.

It’s time for feedback!

Usability Testing

After refining our low-fidelity wireframes, we were eager to put them to the test!
Our objective was to observe users navigating through the newly designed registration onboarding process, and identify any potential pain points or stumbling blocks.

App Clarity and Onboarding

60% of users were confused about the app's name and certain design elements, suggesting a more welcoming onboarding.

Profile Photo Upload

60% of users felt it's a commitment and would rather choose to upload a photo later based on their app usage. Privacy concerns also emerged about uploading children's photos.

Inviting Family Members

80% of users were unsure about who to invite and why, suggesting a need for clearer explanation.

Verification Preferences

40% of users had mixed preferences for verification methods. Some found email verification acceptable, while others preferred text verification for its speed and convenience.

What did we find out?

We've designed a welcoming onboarding experience to help parents/caregivers, community partners, and school staff swiftly understand what the app is about and join with ease.

Final Design

Welcoming App Introduction

To ensure the app's accessibility for non-English-speaking parents, we've incorporated a language selection feature. Additionally, we've prioritized inclusivity by utilizing diverse illustrations and icons, catering to all types of parents.

Meeting Inclusive & Accessible Needs

We've incorporated various security and privacy features into the app. These include email verification, presenting users with the terms of service, a password visibility toggle, and data handling info to enhance security and ensure your child's safety.

Privacy and Security

We've designed concise registration forms for both parents and children, making the process quick and easy. The addition of a progress bar provides users with a clear understanding of how much time it will take to complete the registration.

Fast and Simplified Registration

Time to reflecte!

At the start of this project, we were four team members, but by its end, we were down to two. This shift increased our workload and demanded adaptability. This change required me to take on a lead role, managing client communications and timeline issues.

If I had more time, I would like to focus on creating an accessible platform for other devices such as tablets / iPads.

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